The companies who wish to continue employing foreign skilled workers for long term or temporary workers for short term must apply for their sponsor licence renewal prior to it’s expiry. The licence is initially granted for a period of 4 years and is renewable every 4 years.
Sponsor Licence renewal process
The sponsor licence expiry date is shown on the Licence summary screen of the sponsorship management system and organisations must make a renewal application prior to the expiry date. It is the responsibility of the licence holder to renew the sponsor licence and should apply in good time. If the employer applies well before expiry, it gives them a chance to apply again if the renewal application is rejected.
The renewal application can be made from 90 days before the expiry of the licence and must be made online via the sponsor management system by a level 1 user. The organisation must also pay the relevant renewal fee for their type of licence. The Home office may ask for additional business related supporting documents further to the licence renewal application.
The Home Office compliance team may also visit the business premises as part of post licence inspection, particularly if the organisation has not been visited during the initial grant of the sponsor licence. The sponsor renewal process must be taken very seriously by the employers. Failing to do this correctly, may result in reducing or removing any CoS allocation and/or lead to the organisation’s licence being downgraded,suspended or revoked. If the application is made before the expiry date and is accepted by the Home Office, a temporary extension is granted until Home Office makes further enquiries or visits and decides the application.
Common issues for licence renewal
- Lack of compliance with their sponsor licence duties and responsibilities
- Failing to keep adequate records
- Failing to promptly reporting changes regarding the company and workforce
- Not responding to UKVI enquiries promptly
- Failing to check job suitability before offering employment to a migrant worker
- Carrying out Resident Labour Market Test incorrectly and/or failing to keep adequate records of this
- Failing to apply before the licence expiry